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What to Look for in a Birth Injury Lawyer

What to Look for in a Birth Injury Lawyer

Birth Injury Lawyer | 1-800-Malpractice

When a baby is born, a momentary mistake can lead to a lifetime of hardship for the child and the parents.  Notably these mistakes incur numerous unexpected expenses. These can include visits to specialists, surgeries, costly medications, testing procedures, physical and occupational therapy, special schools and full-time caregivers. Some of these expenses may be temporary; some will continue throughout the child’s lifetime.

Choosing a Birth Injury Law Firm

One of the first steps a parent should take is to contact a well-respected birth injury law firm. Because these kinds of cases can be lengthy and complex, it is best to act quickly if you suspect the injury was caused by a medical mistake.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Experience: Select a lawyer who is well-versed in the complicated laws regarding medical malpractice.
  • Compassion: Your family is going through a traumatic experience, your lawyer should be caring, as well as competent.
  • Success: Choose a firm with a proven track record of winning birth injury cases.

Risk Factors for Birth Injuries

There are certain factors that carry a higher risk of birth injury, including:

  • A difficult and/or long labor
  • Improper use of medication or other substances by the pregnant mother
  • An abnormally large fetus
  • A breech birth (buttocks first)
  • A mother who develops gestational diabetes during the pregnancy
  • An unreasonably long delay in performing an emergency cesarean section

Types of Birth Injuries

Here are some of the more common types of injuries that can be caused by complications or medical mistakes during labor and delivery:

  • Cerebral Palsy, an umbrella term for several chronic conditions that affect movement control, caused by oxygen deprivation during labor and delivery
  • Other types of brain damage caused by a lack of sufficient oxygen to the brain of the fetus during delivery
  • Skull fracture and/or brain damage caused by mechanical injury or physical trauma such as the improper use of forceps, suction, or another kind of force to the baby’s head
  • Erb’s palsy, known as shoulder dystocia, which involves damage to the delicate part of a newborn’s shoulder (brachial plexus), usually caused by incorrect use of forceps or other negligent actions
  • Facial nerve palsy, caused by pressure on the face before or during birth, usually during difficult deliveries

Common Medical Mistakes That Cause Birth Injuries

Birth injuries are often caused by preventable mistakes made by a physician or other medical professional. These include:

  • Failing to perform a Cesarean section in a timely manner when a fetus is in distress
  • Inadequate monitoring of mother and fetus during pregnancy, labor and/or delivery, especially when risk factors are present
  • Misinterpreting test results during pregnancy or failing to conduct necessary tests

Birth injury law is complicated, but finding the right lawyer is simple.

If you or a family member has given birth to a child diagnosed with a birth injury or Cerebral Palsy, call us immediately.

Call 1-800-MALPRACTICE today for a free, no-obligation consultation.


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